Monday, September 24, 2007


Happy Birthday Sis!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Politicians are worthless. So are people who protest the incarceration of a 4 time convicted criminal.

People are sheep.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Security Cards

You would not believe the number of otherwise very intelligent, sophisticated attorneys that I work with that keep their security card in their back pocket or clipped to their hip. All of our sensors are at about 4 foot high, so the end result is someone doing a pirouette or a hip check on their tip toes to open a door. The best part? When they miss the first time and have to add in a little hop the second time around.

PS: I carry mine in my pocket and take it out to open the door. No spinning or hopping.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Gimme back my bullets.

I'm so fucking excited. To paraphrase 50 Cent: I love my guns like a fat kid loves cake.,0,3684121.story

D.C. gun case may hit Chicago

City's law is next target if foes win in Supreme Court
By James Oliphant Washington Bureau
September 5, 2007

WASHINGTON - Those who would do away with Washington's near-total ban on handguns will tell you point-blank their next target: Chicago.

Gun-rights advocates scored a stunning success earlier this year when a three-judge panel of a federal appeals court in Washington swept aside the District of Columbia's ban on owning handguns, which had been in place since 1976.

On Tuesday, the district government appealed the decision to the Supreme Court. If the court takes the case, as many observers believe it will, it could place Chicago's handgun ban, as well as similar laws nationwide, in jeopardy.