Monday, February 06, 2006


Seven thousand little green badgers were chasing me to work this morning so I pulled out my crossbow and tried to shoot them, but there were too many and I thought I might be in really deep shit, but just then 36 clones of MC Hammer came in and did the hammer dance on them and kicked the little green badgers over the bridge into the Chicago river, but then I found out that they weren't really badgers, but were actually walruses in disguise and I could tell that because they ate the penguins that were on the Chicago police boat going down the river and I thought it was weird that the penguins were on the police boat but then I saw a newspaper that said that a ring of radical penguins had been arrested as enemy combatants for trying to turn the Sears tower into a huge icecream cone, and I figured that the penguins on the boat were probably being deported to someplace warm and I wondered that if I went back to speaking only spanish if they would deport me somewhere warm like Tennessee, but that probably wouldn't work because I don't like Orange.

AND, someone ought to kick the writers/producers of "Grey's Anatomy" right in the junk for making the stupid fucking episode following the Super Bowl a to-be-continued-pile-of-shit. I don't even like that fucking show, but watched to see the "code black" which consisted of a hot chick and a bomb. Nice, but not that fucking nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a really good thing for those clones. You could've been up the river with the penguins. But maybe the walruses would've saved you.

I have a headache behind my left eye and it makes me want to kill someone.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, how can you hate Grey's anatomy? I thought it was an awesome episode. I can't wait until next Sunday. I predict that Dr. McDreamy will realize he can't live without Meredith (the realization will come because she's about to get blown up) and leave his wife, who left him first but is back now. And hopefully, she'll understand that she screwed up when she cheated on him and left him to fall in love with beautiful interns.

I just hope no one dies.

12:56 PM  
Blogger ghost rider said...

I'm glad you survived the green badger/walrus attack. Being eaten by green badgers on the Chicago River bridge would be a shitty way to die.

At least you got to see the Super Bowl and a shitty show following the Super Bowl. I was stuck on a delayed plane from Philly to Omaha. Shitty, just plain shitty! Good news is I found an apartment. An extremely expensive apartment, but at least the search is over and I can concentrate on the one million other things I need to get done before I move.

5:33 PM  

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