Thursday, January 05, 2006


Pothead, the furry little Hobbit, turned 27 on January 5th. Since I always think that his birthday is on the 7th, and don't remember until the 6th (today) that I'm wrong, I've decided to back date this blog entry so that it comes up as the 5th. If you don't like it, take it up with H.D. I'm sure he'll be happy to shoot you.

In honor of the Furry One's birth, here is my Top 10 List of reasons Pothead deserves to live 365 more days.

10. Recently bought a big fucking Dodge. To part him from it would be cruel.

9. Science has not yet solved the mystery of his devil-brows. Seriously, only the spawn of satan would have eyebrows that sort of cowlick straight up in the middle.

8. Without him, the rest of us are just "Kill It, Clean It, Eat It and Bitch About It". Leaving out "Cook It" means there is going to be a lot of raw stuff on the plate. [Note: Buy more lemonpepper]

7. John Wayne afficionado.

6. Still not sure who is going to get the mini if he kicks the bucket. This should be straightened out as soon as possible. It's just good estate planning.

5. Has a good dog, Jasper. And a good wife.

4. We still have that outstanding bet as to whether Pothead will get skinny when Big Jake is born.

3. He is the first line of defense against liberal-ality on the East coast. It's a big job, but that is why God invented guns.

2. Sometimes, only a good dose of his randomness will get you through the day.

1. Without Pothead, there are fewer reasons to see Pothead's sister.

So, tonight when you are out at the bar, or driving down the gravel road spotlighting furry fuzzy things, or drinking alone pondering whether the chicks at AA put out, lift a few extra glasses for the Hobbit's birthday -- a damn good friend, a half-way decent shot, deadly with a salt shaker when he's been drinking whiskey, and an all around good Republican. May he have many more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Hobbit!
Are you as old as brother?

If so, when you're lifting those "few extra glasses for the Hobbit's birthday," forget the alcohol. Break out the Ensure.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chicks at aa do put out. what ellse is left after they take away drugs and alcohol. peace.

4:46 PM  

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