Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Plugs and Such

I, WHBH, being of semi-sound mind and and the body of a fricking god, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.

Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead politicians who couldn't pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it, and anyone who brings the national media into the situation should be immediately shot in the ass.

If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to ask for a steak, a beer, the remote control, a new gun or an explaination of why democrats continue to act like fucking idiots, it should be presumed that I won't ever get any better. When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct Pothead, Pappy, Snot or HD to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day.

Seriously, the wife and I argue about this all the time. I say that if I was going to be permanently brain damaged, but would still remember that I used to be smart, I'd just as soon they pull the plug. Life like that would be shit. No problem if I'm going to lose arms, legs, etc. or be paralyzed or something, because it isn't like the Olympics are knocking on my door anyway. Now, if I wouldn't remember anything, and I still had the capacity to do some stuff, that would be ok, too. I think life as a parking lot sweeper or trash man or democratic party strategist would probably be ok.

Just a random thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had better put this in writing and have a notary stamp it and give copies to your whole family, all your in-laws, all your friends, all your enemies, and send one to Pres. Bush, because if H.D., pothead and the others came to pull your plugs and all that stood between them and the electrical outlet was your wife, I would still bet on your wife.

1:02 PM  

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