Monday, February 20, 2006

Olympic Spirit

Fucking idiots.

If it isn't our speed skaters (Henrick and Davis) refusing to congratulate each other and taking cheap shots in the media every time they get a chance, it's a dumb fuck, show off snowboarder (Jacobellis) hot dogging it on the last jump of a gold medal run, crashing, and ending up second. Or, maybe we can take pride in that ass hat Bode Miller, who was the glory boy supposed to win 5 medals who has yet to place higher than 4th and consistently fucks up (he also called Lance Armstrong a cheater, which should be reason enough to leave his ass in Italy).

It's just sad. There is no Olympic pride exhibited by our athletes, and there sure as hell isn't any back here in the US. Fuck, if I'm going to watch some showboat exhibit everything that is wrong about sports and sportsmanship today, I might as well watch the NBA or read some more about dumbshit Ricky Williams toking it up.

The US Olympic Committee should provide chaperones for all of its athletes. Someone to stand beside them with a taser who can just shock the fuck out of them when they are about to do or say something stupid.

Media: (to Henrick) How do you feel about fellow American Shani Davis winning gold?

Henrick: I won a gold, too. I don't think taht Shani is a good teamma. . . ZAP!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know it's fricking cold in Chicago and you are approaching that time of year where everyone becomes homicidal, but you really gotta quit focusing on the negative.

There are always going to be stupid athletes. But don't you think Bode Miller wishes he had finished better? Don't you think the Jacobellis is kicking herself for showboating?

Remember that these are people who are probably in their teens and early 20s. Then think back to how you acted when you were that age.

Give them a break and enjoy the olympics in blissful ignorance with the rest of us.

Just because some of our athletes have said stupid things,there are the other, quieter ones, who are working their tails off and representing the nation well.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Bode Miller is an ass.

I mostly feel bad for NBC who has spent gazillions of dollars for an Olympics that is lacking something whether it's storylines or pride.

Good news though. The women's figure skating starts tomorrow.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, eeds. Sarah agrees that Bode sucks.

Maybe it is just a lack of story lines. I mean, they tried to make Michelle Kwan into a huge story, and that blew up. Now we are left with "smilin'" Sarah Hughes. She's great, but even she admits that she doesn't believe she is in medal contention.

Still, something about a woman in tights with knives strapped to her feet.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Bode. I know he's an ass, but I still like him. I think it's his name and that I read an article about him that said he was much happier when he was a nobody.

I've enjoyed the olympics, but I only watch them when I'm at Aunt Sheri's, so maybe I haven't noticed the lack of story lines. I watched the Italian men win the cross country ski relay the other day- that was pretty cool...

2:21 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Bode Miller though has said really awful things about the Olympics. I don't think he wants to be there. If you can think of the Olympics as just every other race, you shouldn't be there.

Plus the whole thing about him skiing drunk, not the best representation of the US on the world stage.

Michelle Kwan was a good story line for awhile. I was actually happy she had to drop out because I don't think she got in there legitimately anyway.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Article about Bode:

9:45 AM  

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