Friday, October 21, 2005

That's A Lot of Rage

Was engaging in the ultimate narcissistic ritual--reading my own blog--and noticed that things have gotten a mite tense on here as of late. I blame Pappy. Things are generally his fault.

Looking forward to a good weekend. The Sox are in the World Series, and I'm predicting a solid win on Saturday (Roger Clemens is amazing, but without any offense, the Astros will fall short again). It's supposed to be cold and rainy in Chicago this weekend, so I don't even have to pretend that I will go run errands or be productive. Hopefully, I can catch up on work, sleep in and watch football and baseball for two days.

Also, the great American condo search is going well. Looking to sign on a place next week, and that would be fucking great. No more searching for a place to live, just working with the designer and stuff to figure out how we want this place to look (by the way -- Eeds, send me contact info for the Crazy Aunt). Oh yeah, and finding the money to pay for this thing.

Going to be driving back to KS for Thanksgiving. That will make it much easier to pack, b/c I can just throw everything in the back of the blazer, and I don't have to worry about checking the 12 gauge at the airport. Also, this way I can throw the entire "hunting box" in without actually having to decide which items are necessary for pheasant season. Makes things much faster, and there is just something about knowing that my camo, binocs, wet boots, dry boots, gaiters, big knife, medium knife, little knife, buck-shot, turkey-load, 4s, 6s, 8s, .45 ammo and turkey call are available. It's like the wife's need to pack 8 different outfits for a two-day trip. Genetics or something. I don't care if it is 30 degrees and pouring rain, I am spending that Saturday hunting.

On that note, Snot, Pappy, H.D., Captain (and Pothead, if you are going to be in the state), what are you guys doing the Saturday after Thanksgiving? I haven't shot anything from a vehicle for awhile, and my Busch Light level is dangerously low.


Blogger ghost rider said...

What the hell? Is it shit on Pappy week or what? Unlike beer, I am neither the cause nor solution to any of life's problems.

Seriously, are you really hiring a decorator for your condo? If this is the case, I definitley concur you need Busch Light and ammunition STAT! I'm really not sure what I'm doing over Thanksgiving, but if a hunting trip is in the works the odds that I will be in Kansas just went up. Thought about traveling outside the Midwest, but until I figure out this land deal I have to consider myself poor as a college student. Thus, Busch Light and guns work out great.

P.S. Answer your damn phone this weekend so we can coordinate our Assault on Kansas Wildlife

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not getting a decorator. We have to meet with a lady from the condo to pick out cabinets, flooring, etc. But with that said I think he still needs Busch Light and ammunition STAT! Have you read this kids blog.

3:23 PM  

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