Wednesday, October 05, 2005

And if Grasshoppers Had .45s There Wouldn't Be Any Birds

Today is Random Thought Day.

1. Kansas Pheasant and Quail season opens November 12th. Wear orange or get shot.

2. At what point does a society become too stupid to rule itself?

3. If Arnold and Jesse can be govenors, why not Pothead? (other than that unfortunate nickname thing)

4. When I die, I want to be buried back home, but on the south side of the plot. Not on the north side next to the Akers. I didn't even like them that much when they were alive.

5. Is shooting fish wrong? What if they were coming right for you?

6. I dream about fly-fishing the salt flats down in Mexico, but I suck at fly-casting.

7. Going house/condo shopping this weekend. It's going to suck.

8. Pothead sold his truck, even though it was like a member of the family. The black Jimmy deserved so much better, Pothead. It deserved to be around until it finally got parked behind the barn.

9. I think that John Wayne was the best actor that ever lived, and he played the exact same character/roll in every movie.

10. I think Pappy finally got laid.

11. Go you go go White Sox.

12. My sister is turning into a liberal. Seriously. Is there some support group I can join?

[p.s. thanks to eeds for the title quote]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll expand the cemetary if neccesary to make sure you're not next to the Akers. Or, we'll dig up their plots and throw them in the ditch.

House shopping? barf.

P.S. Go to

p.p.s. I changed my blogsite to

12:42 PM  

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