Friday, October 28, 2005

Little Blue Indians

I have been surrounded by little blue indians all morning, and that is why I have accomplished jack shit today. One of them ate a paperclip and another tried to scalp my telephone. Three more are doing a rain dance on the file cabinet and making little war drums out of my file folders. Overall, they are a pain in the ass.

But they aren't as bad as the Canadian communist polar bear that was here yesterday. He had a really annoying lisp. He just kept saying, "Thay, thith lookth like it would be thuper to eat." He ate like 14 pens, so I had to go get more. I think that the little blue indians were hiding in the pen box.

Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?


Blogger ghost rider said...

Little Blue Indians? Aren't those called Smurfs? If so they can be identified by there La La blah blah blah song the little bastards sing. I hear they taste like chicken. Mmmm. Chicken, You know what else tastes like chicken, pheasant and quail. I found out that it is opening weekned in Nebraska this weekend so I am going to have to exercsie my write to shoot things. Although I may have tickets to NU v. OU depending on if I get the tickets (damn secretary responded to the tickets for sale e-mail while I was in a meeting). I need to borrow a little blue Indian to convince her to give me the tickets. Are they sold locally, and more importantly when your done with them can you use them for target practice?

2:15 PM  

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