Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Buying that Motherfucker

For the second time in my life, I've hired a lawyer. This time is much better than last time.

Yesterday I hired an attorney to handle all the contracting and process shit on our condo we are trying to buy. I handled that shit in the beginning, but it became clear it was time for the expert to take over. So, now it really looks like we are going to get this place, because the price and everything is taken care of, so only the details are left. I hope this thing works out because condo shopping fucking blows. In any event, details to follow.

Speaking of buying houses and stuff -- Pothead bought a house in Virginia. Pretty sure you all knew that, but wanted to point it out. Surprisingly, he opted for an above-ground dwelling with a standard door rather than a hobbit hole underground with one of those round doors. Word is that he still has furry feet, though.

Not suprisingly, H.D. has moved in with his sister. Of all of us, I always thought Snot would be the first to move in with her, but this was a close second.

Also, and this just doesn't get said enough, yay for Pappy. That colorblind son of a bitch gets a star for helping set up the Thanksgiving hunt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lawyers hiring lawyers ....

I don't know why, but that seems wrong. It's like journalists being sources for other journalists.

It's like walking around flailing your arms screaming "I'm not a crazy person! I'm not a crazy person!"

3:17 PM  
Blogger ghost rider said...

Thanks for the shout out. Not only did I receive a compliment, but idiot was not used to reference my name once.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Pappy. Every dog has its day. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Do undo others, etc. Give credit where credit is due. You catch more flys with honey.

1:41 PM  

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