Tuesday, November 22, 2005

100 Things About Me (Part II)

50. I can clean a turkey in under 90 seconds. 49. Doves even quicker. 48. I understand the mechanics of driving from the hood. 47. I know what ADBT stands for. 46. I understand the vital importance of trolling motors. 45. I believe I'll go to heaven, even if I don't go to church. 44. I often root for the bad guy in movies. 43. I hate reality television. 42. I think Lindsay Lohan looked better when she had red hair. 41. I have a bag full of survival gear and other random shit in the back of my blazer, just in case. 40. I like my tattoo, and I want another one. 30. I love Stephen King books. 29. My mom was my first grade teacher. 28. I don't think I was remotely cool until I was 17 or 18 years old. Before that, I was definitely a dork. 27. I'm going to go to my 10-year high school class reunion only because I want to show off. And I don't feel bad about that at all. 26. I think the LOTR trilogy kicked ass. 25. Liberals piss me off. So do conservatives. 24. I was a White Sox fan when they sucked, so I don't want to hear anything about any bandwagons. 23. My favorite color is blue. 22. I don't have a nickname. 21. I'm going to be an uncle in a few weeks, and will call my niece/nephew "little peanut head" until I can think of something else (update: niece born 11/5 -- no nickname established yet). 20. I have no idea why my sister acts the way she does. 19. I know that lemon pepper makes everything better. 18. I don't think it is a real party unless the cops show up. 17. I like it when it's quiet. 18. My favorite new artist is Shooter Jennings. 17. Sometimes, I get a little militant. 16. I should be working right now. 15. I graduated from college Summa Cum Laude and from law school Magna Cum Laude, but my sister used to think I was mentally handicapped. 14. My wife makes good brownies. 13. I'm a pretty fair softball player. 12. My left ear is slightly lower than my right ear, and that really pisses me off. 11. I shook Bo Jackson's hand. 10. My favorite movie is the Big Lebowski (although The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is a close second -- so long and thanks for all the fish) 9. I dated un-pretty girls because they had good personalities. 8. I stopped doing that. 7. I like fishing, but mostly because of the beer drinking part. 6. I'm am contemplating taking up the guitar. Or archery. 5. I can read your mind. 6. Yes, I can. 7. I rode a bronc in a rodeo. Well, I fell off of one anyway. 6. I'm a proud American. 5. In general, I agree with Meryl Haggard. 4. I know OJ did it. 3. I think that Democrats are going to lose the next election, too, because they suck. 2. I can't stand to leave anything unfinished.

(these blog entries spent alot of time in the draft box)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice.

You were a dork and you still are. Dorks are the best kind of people so please don't change. I love you very much dorky brother.

Now I want to do the top 100 things about me. Sheesh. that'll take FOREVER. Plus I have to get through Santa and other communists.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, now you have lots of stuff to write about in your blog. The 100 things deal takes a lot of time, so you have to do it little by little.

11:22 AM  
Blogger ghost rider said...

This is unrelated to your 100 blog, but how in the hell do you post the pictures? I'm trying to post some kick ass photos of the opening weekend hunt, but can't get them to post.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to post pictures:

First, save them on your computer.

Second, go in like you are drafting a blog entry and click on the little icon at the top of the drafting box to "instert picture".

Third, click on "browse" and click on the file of your picture you saved on your computer.

Fourth, choose the size and click "post".

Fifth, click "done".

The fucking end.

1:11 PM  

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