Monday, November 21, 2005

100 Things About Me (Part I)

100. I'm left handed. 99. I have one younger sister. 98. I want a new pair of boots for Christmas. 97. I've got blue eyes. 96. I was the best man at Pothead's wedding. 95. I have a fern named Vern the Fern. 94. I'm at #94 and already tired of this entry. 93. I could eat bacon for every meal. 92. John Wayne is my favorite actor. 91. I got in a fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin at Rocky Ford Tavern (almost). 90. For one semester of college, I shared a basement room with my brother-in-law. We know way too much about each other now. 89. Seeing H.D. naked permanently burned my retinas. 88. I've been arrested every single time I was handcuffed. 87. I used to work out, but I don't any more. 86. I was in a frat in college. 84. I skipped number 85. 83. I've been listening to a lot of Johnny Cash lately. 82. I know how to plow a field. 81. One of my favorite memories of college is of talking to the cops our yard wearing nothing but a yellow hard hat and a pair of camo shorts and trying to explain that of course we made sure that everyone there was 21 and that if any minors were drinking, they must have brought their beer with them. 80. I had a collie named Ferdi when I was little. 79. After three years of high school football, I decided not to play my senior year. Coincidently, that was the year I grew 3 inches and put on 20 pounds. fuck. 78. I fell out of a second story window when I was 18. That hurt. 77. I really, really want a Browning Cirtori over-and-under 12 gauge. 76. I was this close to going to work for Cargill as an Administrator at one of their feed mills. How much different would things have turned out? 75. I've been an attorney long enought to know that, without a doubt, whoever has the most money will win. 74. I wanted to be an architect when I was younger, but only because everyone told me I was good at math, and that is what people who were good at math were supposed to do. 73. There were 3 boys and 13 girls in my kindergarten class. 72. I only smoke when I drink. 71. I used to have a great voice, but I don't sing much any more, so it is pretty much shot. 70. I went to the emergency room 3 times in one month during 2000. Broken bone (drunk), stitches (soberish), broken bone (sober). 69. I once drove clear the fuck down to SE KS to see a girl, only to get down there and figure out that our views of our relationship were really fucking different. She was really hot, but ultimately not worth it. 68. My favorite TV show is Law & Order. 67. Someday, I think I'd like to quit practicing law and become a college or law school professor. 66. I am wicked smart. 65. I frequently act like a dumbass. 64. I can crack a bull whip. 63. I spent three weeks in Russia when I was a senior in high school. 63. I screen my calls. 62. I have no idea what willis was talkin bout. 61. I had a tri-melelar fracture when I fell while rock climbing in Colorado. That means that the two bones in my lower leg, right where they meet my ankle, broke in three places. 60. To fix the breaks, I got 9 screws, a six inch plate and a staple. 59. I think adding the words "fuck", "son of a bitch" or "shitty" to a sentence makes it more fun. 58. I love Busch Light, but hate microbrew beers. 57. I was in 4-H growing up. 56. I was an FFA god. 55. I truly believe that blue cordoroy jackets are irresistable to skinny blond girls. 54. I got lost all the fucking time when I lived in Ithaca. 53. I dated my wife for 5 years before we got married. That means will have been together for 9 years in December. 52. 9 years. 51. I make great chili.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this blog.

But you know what would make me love it more? If you put stuff in there that I didn't already know.

On the upside, I know a whole lot about you. (except I didn't know Nos. 91, 77 and 76)

I think in the next installment you should make sure to tell people that you threw a chair at your high school principal, securing his hatred for you and ME.

Also, make sure you mention that you used to put underwear on your head and slide down the stairs on a pillow case (the underwear served as a helmet) and that one time you threw the handle of a baby stroller into the air and watched it come down, resulting in three stitches above your lip.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chair was more shoved, I'm not sure that it actually left the ground.

The sliding down the stairs thing doesn't ring a bell. Pretty sure that was only you.

It was necessary to throw the handle up in the air, because my baseball bat was stuck in the tree and I had to get it down. Logic.

1:20 PM  
Blogger ghost rider said...

FFA god? More like FFA dork. Also, I'm guesing the principal had it coming, I mean the chair thing. I think when you tell the story you should definitely say you threw the chair at him, but only because he coming coming right for you. It sounds better, besides the statute of limitations has run and he can't sue you anymore.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want part 2!

10:18 AM  

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