Friday, May 12, 2006

Call in 6 minutes.

I have a conference call to discuss the ever-enthralling world of net tax liabilities and how they should be considered in the case of post-closing indemnification provisions in about 6, now 5 minutes. So this should be fast.

Give me ideas of books to read when I go to Cozumel at the end of the month.

Also, top ten things to shoot with a spear gun while snorkeling:
1. Jaws
2. Tigers.
3. Rocks
4. Sticks
5. Bottom of glass-bottomed boats
6. Beer cans
7. Barracuda
8. Crack-head mermaids
9. Snorkel monkeys
10. Jellyfish. Fucking jellyfish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Books to read:
James Herriott novels are great mindless everything-is-happy books to read. His description of Yorkshire farmers will hold true for our neighbors in rural Chapman and make you laugh.

The rest of the books I like are probably not good guy/vacation books - but I'll suggest that you read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis anyway. Great, great book. And yes, you have it because you have my copy. :)

When I asked for book advice, my friend CJ gave me some good ideas - and I'll pass them along to you.

"White Teeth" or "On Beauty" by Zadie Smith: both fabulous, fabulous novels about people and different cultures.

"All the Kings Men," by Robert Penn Warren. Is/was/shall be THE political novel and it will make you laugh and cry and think a lot of Bill Clinton and other once noble but utterly falliable politicians.

"All The Presidents Men," by Bob Woodward. Nonfiction

"The Year of Magical Thinking," Joan Didion.

Also, a former Star reporter Kevin Kaduk has a book list if you go to: and click on "Books I've Read." He also wrote one that is currently on shelves called "Wrigleyworld." Might be a good read...

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, it's very important to shoot the sticks. They tend to scare me.


10:53 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Where do mermaids get the crack?

9:43 PM  

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