Monday, March 05, 2007

So the list gets longer.

As if my people to kill** list wasn't long enough, now I have to add more people to it. Namely, people like this fucking idiot who thinks that the reason that kids are fat is that Pizza Hut promises them a tiny little pizza as a reward for reading. Couldn't be a parenting problem or anything. Fucking idiot.

See the whole story on at this link. The key part is this:

Book It, which reaches about 22 million children a year, "epitomizes everything that's wrong with corporate-sponsored programs in school," said Susan Linn, a Harvard psychologist and co-founder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.

"In the name of education, it promotes junk food consumption to a captive audience ... and undermines parents by positioning family visits to Pizza Hut as an integral component of raising literate children," Linn said.

I liked Book It. I read books, they gave me pizza. It worked. I'm not fat, and don't have some inflated sense of entitlement. It is people like this Linn idiot that are screwing up parenting today -- not Pizza Hut. By pointing the finger at everyone else, they make it ok to suck as a parent.

**Disclaimer: Given the fact that politicians on both sides of the aisle are working as hard as they can to eviscerate any real meaning in the first amendment, I want to clarify that "kill" here is not to be taken literally. Rather, it should be taken to mean my desire to write a strongly worded letter expressing my great disappointment in these people's position and my genuine wonder as to how they manage to look at themselves in the mirror every morning without realizing that they are hysterical fools.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep trying to think of a good comment but I can't. Except that you are totally going soft. Letter writing? Really? Sheesh.

3:53 PM  

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