Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Out of the Road or Under the Tires

You know what sucks? Protestors.

Three points today:

Point number 1. I don't even care what acutal ideal that they are advocating. Take that whole issue and put it to the side. The fact that some person or group believes that their cause is so important as to entitle them to delay my day just drives me nuts. Blocking sidewalks and streets, slowing down traffic, and generally ruining any good groove that I have going--even if I was inclined to support or listen to their cause pre-protest, after putting up with their shit, I am pretty much against whatever they were saying.

People have every right to rail against whatever injustice they want to in this country, and I am all for that. But get the hell out of the way. Wave your sign somewhere where it won't hit me in the head when I am out for a walk. Yell your chants and scream in your bull horn all you want, just don't do it in the middle of my damn street. You want to march. Get a permit like everyone else.

Which brings me to point number 2. Just because you have the right to say something, doesn't mean that I don't have the right to get in your face about it, ridicule you and generally try to make your life as miserable as possible. For example, if you are protesting on my lawn, don't be suprised when the sprinklers come on. [That was one of the best things I've seen in a long time. Bunch of people protesting Red Lobster for some reason or another getting hit with the sprinkler. Then, the sprinklers would go off and these idiots would get close again, and BANG! sprinklers back on. That was great.] Also, if you are screaming at someone, don't be suprised when they beat you. Right in the head. Yes, they deserve whatever criminal punishment is appropriate for the assault (I recommend a stearn lecture), but when you mess with the bull, you get the horn. Deal with it, or try a less aggressive way of communicating.

And 3. Most people don't care. Really. When someone is waving a sign or standing in my road, I could give a shit whether they are bashing baby seals or cutting down the redwoods or saving the pretty animals or any number of other issues that people feel the need to go off about. These are issues that need to be rationally discussed and addressed, but will never, ever be solved by radicals laying in the crosswalk. In fact, the time, money and effort that goes into dealing with protestors makes any resolution of the problem actually take longer because of the distraction.

Man these people piss me off.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm printing this blog and carrying it with me in my purse. Then, the next time various relatives start going on and on about how great you are and then say, "And Edie's a journalist. Isn't that nice?"
I'm gonna say,"Yeah, but you should see what a great writer Mr. Genius-Lawyer-Champion-of-the-People is. Let me read you something ... "


2:46 PM  
Blogger White Hat Black Hat said...

Sometimes things just have to be said. Don't hate me because I'm their favorite.

3:12 PM  

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